
The Client Advisory Board, CAB, is a sub-group within Pega that requested an asset refresh. Prospective members first experience with CAB is the general brochure, seen left, which has core Pega brand characteristics, but offers a refined and more neutral version so it could fit with the core Pega look and feel, as well as any of the three distinct groups within in CAB. 

visual strategy and design

Program Identity: CAB program  

The Client Advisory Program, CAP, brochure is used to excite and engage  members about available opportunities to be an active member.

Key considerations:
* A brighter color palette to be more playful and engaging
* Color: Important in breaking up the heavy copy, creating a visual flow to make it more digestible and creating overall information hierarchy

Visual solution for a copy-heavy document meant to support any of the CAB programs. Consideration given to repeatable patters, textures, shapes and colors. 

Digital brochure