
Developing a clean, simple and informative homepage that set the tone, both visually and through content, was an important focus to CTDS. The prior site had no clear homepage, was overwhelming and lacked hierarchy and focus. Our goal was to remove the chaotic initial experience and replace it with clear, curated imagery and content for interest and focus. 

exposure and replace it with clear, curated imagery and content for interest and focus. 

Developing a clean and simple, yet informative homepage that set the tone, both visually and though content, of CTDS was an important focus for the Director. The prior site had no clear homepage and was overwhelming and lacked hierarchy and focus. Our goal was to remove the chaotic initial 

As a content heavy site, organization of the information for an easy and intuitive user experience was a primary focus. Prior to the site update, the main navigation did not account for all the core information and multiple pages had information that was not connected to the overall page. This made it very hard for a user to find relevant and related information with ease. 

My focus was to account for all unlabeled information while reorganizing the current categories in a way that was more intuitive for their user. 

Research, plan, organize, ideate, create, test [coffee]


Community Therapeutic Day School (CTDS) had been operating with a dated website that lacked the necessary functions their users both needed and have come to expect as 'standards' for website functionality: responsive design across multiple devices, inline forms for easy inquiry, and a clear navigation, to name a few. The brand also needed a full visual redesign as the appearance was dated, and did not embody the quality and sophistication the schooled wanted to portray. 

* Unify brand standards and assets across print & digital
* Create a more fluid user experience through layout and consideration given to their information architecture
* Create a grounding home page to establish tone of CTDS 
* Develop a responsive website to meet user needs
* Create print materials inline with the updated brand 

creative strategy & visual design (web & print)


Folder  |   brochure  




 ...Colleen brought to the position, and to
the task at hand, a comprehensive depth of understanding of design, rebranding, audience and the culture of our organization. 

 ...Colleen brought to the position, and to the task at hand, a comprehensive depth of understanding of design, rebranding, audience and the culture of our organization. 

- Nancy Fuller, Founder & Executive Director